Introduction to bridge

Two YouTube videos explaining the basics of bridge:

  1. The Game of Bridge (3:48)
  2. Learn To Play Bridge In 5 Minutes (5:58)

Minibridge (courtesy of the English Bridge Union)

Basic bridge in 10 short tutorials (YouTube, about 30 minutes in total, American bidding)

Paul's short bridge course

Juniors arrive from different environments, learning from school, SBU lessons, parents, and other great teachers. This course tries to bring together everyone to a common understanding, which is basically Paul's view of how a weak no trump and four-card major system should be played.

This is not definitive but a discussion document for people coming into the game.


  1. Basics
  2. Opening balanced hands
  3. Opening unbalanced hands
  4. Responding to a no trump opening (Stayman and transfers)
  5. Responding to one of a suit
  6. Raising partner
  7. Opener’s second bid
  8. Responder’s second bid and fourth suit forcing
  9. Opening strong hands and responses
  10. Weak two opening bids and responses
  11. Pre-emptive opening bids and responses
  12. Competitive bidding - takeout doubles and responding
  13. Competitive bidding - overcalls and responding
  14. Competitive bidding - supporting partner
  15. Competitive bidding - Michaels Cue Bid and Unusual No Trump
  16. Slam bidding
  17. Carding
  18. Playing contracts
  19. Laws and ethics


Systems for young players

Like most sports there is a mismatch between the systems and methods taught to beginners and those played by international players. Our experience is that young players can adapt quickly to playing a system more commonly used by international players, namely five-card majors and a strong no trump, so we will also push advancing players and pairs to this method.

But there is still a place for a simple system that will allow them to play with club members, those taught using SBU lessons, and anyone else with very little preparation.

The following system card is for such a simple system, specifically weak no trump, four-card majors, and three weak twos which is the dominant system within SBU clubs. It is not a simple card, since it is designed to be used in international junior play.

SBU Junior Simple System card (PDF, contact Paul for editable version)

Good reads and videos


  • Anything by Hugh Kelsey (many bridge clubs may have one to borrow)
  • Anything by Mike Lawrence (American-biased but excellent reads)
  • Anything by Victor Mollo (bridge set in an amusing context)
  • Why You Lose at Bridge - SJ Simon (written in 1940s but still relevant)
  • 10 books you should read over and over - recent views of the Bridge Winners audience



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System notes for advancing players

Junior 5-card major system card, with notes (PDF, contact Paul for editable version)

Supporting partner's one major opening bid (PDF)

Responding to one no trump (PDF)

Alisdair's Advanced Stayman and Transfers (PDF)

Simple competitive methods (PDF)

Slam bidding methods (PDF)

Defensive bidding over multi-way club and strong club openings (PDF)

Responding to fourth-suit forcing (BBO Forums)

Two-way checkback (PDF)

Michaels Cue Bids and Unusual No Trump (PDF)

System, judgement, and some ethics

Inverted minors (PDF)

Carding: leads, signals and discards (PDF)

Strong club defence (PDF)

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