Competitive bidding - Michaels Cue Bid and Unusual No Trump

Two popular conventions are the Michaels cue Bid and the Unusual No Trump. The latter is often referred to as the Unusual 2NT, but the same principles often apply whenever a no trump bid cannot be natural.

Michaels Cue Bid

A direct cue bid of a minor opening bid shows both majors, at least 5-5 shape. The cue-bid of a major opening shows the unbid major plus either minor suit, at least 5-5 shape.

Non-vulnerable a Michaels Cue Bid can be made on any strength of hand – a weak hand will not bid again, a strong hand will make a strength-showing call.

Vulnerable a Michaels Cue Bid should be a reasonable hand or better, that is, not extremely weak. A hand with 5 or 6 losers would be the minimum.

Responder assumes that partner has the weaker hand and bids accordingly. A strong hand can RELAY with 2NT, asking the overcaller to show their hand type and strength.

Advancer’s bids

When the cue bid shows the unbid major and unknown minor, advancer can bid a minor as pass or correct: that is, if you have the minor then you pass, otherwise you bid on. This implies strength in the minor if you are forcing to a higher level.

For example:

(1H) 2H (Pass) ?

S x

H xxxx

D xxxx

C xxxx

Partner has shown 5 spades and a 5-card minor. Bid 3C, asking partner to pass if they hold clubs or bid diamonds if they have 5 diamonds. You are happy to play in either minor rather than spades.

(1S) 2S (Pass) ?

S xxxx

D xxx

With a big club fit, bid 3D to play if partner has diamonds but you are prepared to play higher if they have 5 clubs.

(1H) 2H (Pass) ?

S Axxxxx

H xxxx

D x

C xx

Bid 4S. This is a double shot: you hope to make, albeit unlikely, or it may be a good sacrifice.

(1D) 2D (Pass)

S Axx
H Qxx
C Axxx

Bid 2NT to ask partner for their strength. The responses are:

3C Good hand, hearts equal or longer

3D Good hand, spades longer

3H minimum, 5-5

3S does not exist

(1H) 2H (Pass) ?

S Axx

H xxx

D KJxx

C Ax

Bid 2NT. You intend to bid game if partner shows a good hand or a hand with diamonds. The responses to 2NT are:

3C 5 clubs, minimum

3D 5 diamonds, minimum

3H 5 clubs, non-minimum

3S 5 diamonds, non-minimum

Unusual No Trump Overcall (UNT)

A direct jump overcall of 2NT shows a hand with at least 5-5 shape in the two lower unbid suits.

Non-vulnerable the UNT can be made on any strength of hand – a weak hand will not bid again, a strong hand will make a strength-showing bid.

Vulnerable the UNT should be a reasonable hand or better, that is, not extremely weak. A hand with 5 or 6 losers would be the minimum.