ACBA League and Knock out 2021-22

Tuesday, 17 August 2021 by Sue O'Hara


Entries are now open for the Avon Leagues and Knock Out for the forthcoming season and will close on 31 August .
Matches will be returning to face to face play but captains may by agreement play online. Matches to be privately arranged between captains .
The entry fees are £18.00 per team for the League and £12.00 per team for the Knock Out the latter which is the qualifier for the Pachabo Cup (Inter counties teams).
Please submit entries to the Tournament Secretary David Jones and make payment direct to the Avon account the details of which are as follows :-
Sort Code 56-00-05
Account Number 21393001
Last season we had 18 teams divided into 3 divisions with each team playing each other twice so between 8-12 matches per team during the course of the season which runs from mid September until the end of May .Teams may contain up to 6 players.
We look forward to the return of face to face play in Avon .
If you have any questions please contact the Tournament Secretary