Earn Silver Points on BBO May 25-31

Thursday, 14 May 2020 by Fred Shubert

ACBL/BBO will have a Silver master point week the week of May 25-31.  This is for all our games held on those dates.  So rather than earning Black points that week, they are all Silver, and paid at 3x the BBO award rate!!  As you recall, ACBL is currently giving a 50% bonus on Black master points earned on BBO, so this is a huge multiplier.  Game fees for this Silver point week are $7, up $2 from the usual $5 to cover the additional table fees imposed by ACBL for these special games.  Play as often as you can to win Silver!  If you're not yet playing on BBO, now is a great time to start!  If you have any questions about these game or want to get started on BBO, please contact Fred.