Playing BBO games for masterpoints

Saturday, 18 April 2020 by

Sparta Duplicate Bridge Club is starting virtual games on BBO.  These are sanctioned games.  The game fee is $5.00  To play you will need a BBO id and BBO dollars.  Our 1st two game will be

Thursday, April 23 @6:30pm   and Friday, April 24 @9:00 am.

This gives a few days to get set up on BBO if you are not already playing.  As a sanctioned game the ACBL rules apply with some additional BBO rules.

The game will have 18 boards, 3 boards per round and 21 minutes to play the round.  No late plays.  The round will advance after 21 minutes or when everyone has completed 3 boards.  So please watch the clock. 

No physe bids.

Self-Alert your bids the require alerts or announcements.  Fill out the alter and explanation box before entering your bid.  The message is sent to your opponents, but not your partner.  A good practice is to put in the explanation for the bid rather than the convention name.  For example, if a 2D opening bid is Flannery, showing 4s – 5h and 11-15pts,  I would put  4s – 5h and 11-15pts in the alert box.

The game will have a director to call to help with any problems. 

Contact Fred with your BBO id to join us.