Bridge Mentors Wanted

Thursday, 12 August 2021 by Brian Paxton

On six Wednesdays, starting on 4th August 2021, Carol Stanton will be teaching more than 30 eager participants how to play bridge. Each lesson starts with a Zoom session where Carol will teach the participants about bidding and play. This will be followed by a session on Real Bridge where the the learners have an opportunity to play hands that embody what was taught in the Zoom lesson. Finally, in another Zoom session, Carol will review the hands.

Carol is looking for experienced players to volunteer to participate as table mentors during the Real Bridge sessions, monitoring and guiding the players as they get to grips with the game. You don't need to sign up for the whole series, just the ones you can fit into your personal schedule. If you are interested, please contact Carol via Whatsapp +27 79 214 2396 or E-mail