Trials for Western Cape Teams for SAWBA 2022 take place soon

Sunday, 14 November 2021 by Brian Paxton

The 2022 South African Womens' Bridge Association (SAWBA) Congress will take place on 5th and 6th March (pairs), 7th and 8th March (interprovincial teams) and finally from 11th to 15th March (national teams).The SAWBA (South African Women’s Bridge Association) Congress takes place in March 2020 on BBO. Congress comprises three events:

The interprovincial teams competition has three sections: A, B and Bunny Pritchard. The CTWDBC (Cape Town Wednesday Duplicate Bridge Club) will be holding trials to select the teams to represent the Western Cape in this event. The trials will take place on BBO in January 2022 – date to be confirmed. All ladies residing in the Western Cape are invited to enter a team, which can comprise 4–6 players, and there is no entrance fee.

The criteria for the interprovincials are prescribed by SAWBA and are based on the PI (performance index) of the players involved:

A section: no restrictions
B section: the limit is 1500 combined for any 4 players in a match; there is no maximum for any individual players
Bunny Pritchard section: limit of 400 for any 4 players in a match; maximum of 100 for any individual player. This section provides an opportunity for up-and-coming players to participate without the fear of becoming demoralized by more seasoned players.

Anyone wishing to compete in these trials, which take place soon, please contact Shirley Phillips on 0726734248 or