

Has your partner ever said, Sorry I can't play next week, I'm going on vacation, or I have a doctor's appointment, or my grandchildren are visiting? We all have busy lives and your regular partner may not always be available to play. 

Not all of us have several available bridge partners, so who do you contact for help? To assist you in finding a partner the LBC Board is implementing a Partnership Coordinator for each of our club games. Just click on the appropriate Partnership Coordinator and they will gladly try to find you a partner.

Tom Jolliffe (519-639-2206)is the Partnership Coordinator for the Monday and Friday morning 0-500 games.

Ruth Edwards (519-649-0897) and Angie Francolini are the Partnership Coordinators for the Tuesday evening and Thursday afternoon 0-1500 games. 

Janine Higgins (519-439-5136) is the Partnership Coordinators for the Monday and Friday afternoon Open games. 

Peter Tuttle (519-453-8733) and Adele Woolfe (519-670-8439) are the Partnership Coordinators for the Tuesday Bridge Lab and the Saturday morning 0-20 games.

Please don't hesitate. Give your Partnership Coordinators a chance to help you find a partner when your regular partner is unavailable. 

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