New member applications

The following people have met all the playing criteria requirements set out in the Membership policy.

They will become members subject to the committee's consideration of any objections from members. Please inform the Membership Secretary of any objections with your reasons in writing, preferably by email, within 14 days, to



Current applications 

  Applicant Nominator Seconder Deadline
   Irene Horovitz  Derek Bruce  Christine Bruce  9th September 2024
   Lyn Griffin  Bet Davies  Shirley Giles  13th September 2024


 There are no current pending applications


Director & BridgeMate Roster July - September 2024


Date Event Director BridgeMate  
3rd eCats Sim Pairs Matt Jackson Catherine Jeffries  
4th NO BRIDGE - General Election      
10th Club Pairs Dave Packard David Newnes  
11th Club Pairs Bet Davies Shirley Giles  
17th Club Pairs Jim Fletcher Catherine Jeffries  
18th Club Pairs Dave Packard Jean Senior  
24th Club Pairs Graham Hardman Mike Botley  
25th Club Pairs Graham Morton Anne Plunkett  
31st Club Pairs Matt Jackson David Newnes  
Date Event Director BridgeMate  
1st Club Pairs Graham Hardman Jean Senior  
7th Club Pairs Jim Fletcher Catherine Jeffries  
8th Club Pairs Bet Davies Shirley Giles  
14th Club Pairs Dave Packard Graham Hardman  
15th Club Pairs Graham Morton Anne Plunkett  
21st Ploughman's Lunch Matt Jackson Mike Botley  
22nd Club Pairs Dave Packard Jean Senior  
28th Club Pairs Graham Hardman David Newnes  
29th Club Pairs Bet Davies Shirley Giles  
Date Event Director BridgeMate  
4th It's a Big Deal - Charity Pairs Jim Fletcher Mike Botley  
5th Championship Pairs (1) Graham Morton Anne Plunkett  
11th Club Pairs Matt Jackson David Newnes  
12th Club Pairs Graham Morton Jean Senior  
18th Handicap Teams Graham Hardman Mike Botley  
19th Club Pairs Bet Davies Shirley Giles  
25th Championship Pairs (1) Jim Fletcher Catherine Jeffries  
26th Club Pairs Graham Morton Anne Plunkett  
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Public liability insurance

Attached is the club's certificate of insurance for 2024.



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