In October 2024 we intend to start another 2 year course of lessons for beginners at the Club on a Thursday morning 10 am -12 noon (start date October 3rd) 

The first year will be a 3-term course.  It will then be followed by a second year of improvers’ lessons, provided there is sufficient demand.

We have a team of EBU accredited teachers who will be taking the lessons. There will be sufficient helpers that you will always be guaranteed a partner.

The first 2-3 lessons will be Minibridge, moving onto full bridge. The lessons will be suitable for anyone who has not played bridge before or who has played a little but not had any formal lessons. No partner is needed.

The cost will be £95 a term of lessons to include an initial £20 deposit payable in advance. All terms will be 12 weeks long.

The class will run with a viable group size and enough members to provide a lively interactive learning environment.

There is an Open Day on September 7th if you would like more details before committing. Come and join us for coffee and cake and meet the teaching team.


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