CLBC Star Partnerships raise money for

Alzheimer's Research 

Star Dolores Aquino with Edna Rice


Star Clif Capen with Ann Faget


Star Bob Dowlen and Cindy Cox


Star Chuck Ensor and Jim Moore


Star Chuck Ensor and Cindy Cox


Star Charles Hilding and David Kuykendall


Star Charles Hilding and Joy Cowan


Star Susan Kaplan and Edna Rice


Star Mack Meigs and Vera Annenkova


Star Mack Meigs and Anik Waters


Star Jim Ochsner and Suzanne Houck


Star Marsha Shortt and Karen Jones


Star Naomi Spicer and Barbara Courtright



Star Rick Stell and Marcia Chambliss


Star Rick Stell and Susie Way


Star George Wieland and Steve Bolinger

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CLBC Receives Award for Fundraising

CLBC was pleased to raise $10,787 for the Alzheimer's Association in support of research for this dreaded disease.

Liz Gorman visited to bring this award to the club.  Many thanks to Edna Rice, Tomi Porterfield and Sherry Scoggins for their leadership in organizing this fundraiser.

And of course...MANY THANKS to the Stars & Bidders for their enthusiasm in participating in this very worthy endeavor!

Special thanks to the Longest Day Team who put together another outstanding fundraiser!

Program Chair:  

     Edna Rice

Committee Chairs:  

     Tomi Porterfield & Evvie Gilbert


Tomi & Edna

Our Members contributed breakfast items and club paid for a very nice luncheon.  And in spite of weather forecast predicting 'hurricane' levels of rain everyone turned out!


Preceding Game Day we had a wonderful Silent Auction with volunteers (Our Star Players) submitting to being 'auctioned off' to play!

Our Stars this year were:

  • Dolores Aquino (Visiting Expert!)
  • Dana Brown
  • Nelson Brown
  • Clif Capen
  • Bob Dowlen
  • Chuck Ensor
  • Dave Glandorf
  • Charles Hilding
  • Bill Houck
  • Susan Kaplan
  • Mack Meigs
  • Jim Ochsner
  • Thomas Rush
  • Marsha Shortt
  • Naomi Spicer
  • Rick Stell
  • George Wieland
  • Don White

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