About Us

Erie Bridge Club is a volunteer driven non-profit bridge club. We have a Board of Directors and a Management Team. The Board of Directors is responsible for strategic and policy decisions while the Management Team is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the club.

Bridge Player Code of Conduct

The game of bridge must always be a welcoming, courteous and encouraging experience for everyone who participates in any Erie Bridge Club event. Although duplicate bridge is by its nature competitive, we have a common interest in having the competitive element in our events balanced by positive conduct and pleasant social interaction, and we all must work toward that goal together.

It is essential that all players conduct themselves in a respectable and orderly manner with consideration for the rights of fellow players. The club’s code of conduct will be strictly enforced in order to add to everyone’s enjoyment of the game.  If you have any concerns in this regard, please speak to your game director or contact one of our board directors.  Be cool!  Bridge is meant to be fun, for all!

While playing, please remember to:

  • Greet opponents in a friendly manner;
  • Encourage new and beginning players;
  • Acknowledge good bidding and play; and
  • Call the director whenever there is a concern.

Please do NOT:

  • Use profanity;
  • Usurp the director’s role by calling for silence;
  • Make any negative gestures;
  • Give gratuitous lessons or analysis of hands;
  • Gloat about a good result;
  • Argue with the game director.

Zero Tolerance Policy

Unacceptable (ZT) Behaviors/ Mandatory Process and Consequences

For either of the following behaviors, the Director should be called to the table or if aware of the situation, the Director should go to the table in question.  The Director will assess the situation and if, in his/ her opinion, one or more players have behaved unacceptably, will assess a mandatory ¼-board penalty to each offending person.  If both partners are at fault, the penalty is additive.  Every incident will be reported to the Lead Director by email.

If this is the 2nd or more ZT game for a player in a 6-month period, the Lead Director will issue a mandatory 1-week suspension to the player, and communicate such to the Board and to all Game Directors.  If it is a 3rd or more ZT game in the 6-month period, the Lead Director will direct it to the Conduct and Ethics Committee for further action.

  1. Comments (including gestures) concerning partner's play or bidding that are easily recognized as a "hurtful" or "shaming" in nature.
  2. Comments to the opponents (including unwelcome advice) that are easily recognized as "demeaning" or "condescending" in nature.
  3. For either of the following behaviors, the player will immediately be sent home (no refund, no masterpoints) and the incident will be reported to the Lead Director who will issue a mandatory 1 week suspension. If the player has had another ZT game in the past 6 months, it will be referred to the Conduct and Ethics Committee.
  4. Refusal to comply with a Director’s instructions.
  5. Refusal to complete a game without approval to leave from the Director.

Other Behaviours

These behaviors will be dealt with by coaching from the Director away from the table, but reported to the Lead Director for further action if they show a behavior pattern for the player.

  • Excessive congratulatory comments on own or partner’s good play/defense.
  • Shushing or giving directions to others at the table.
  • Obnoxious behavior as assessed by the “ordinary” Open player.
  • Reports of others’ ZT behavior that is deemed by the Director to be frivolous.
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Our Philosophy

Our mission is to "Play and learn bridge in a welcoming environment". We also want:

  • Promote Bridge Education to our members and the greater Erie community
  • Provide a safe and secure venue for club play
  • Offer an array of Bridge playing opportunities each week
  • Communicate with and stay close to our members
  • Invite new members to join our club
  • Support local and national A.C.B.L. charity efforts

Sound interesting? How do you start?

Contact us at (814) 833-1706 or email clubmanager@eriebridgeclub.org



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