MONDAY BRIDGE LAB [6:30 pm]– (BeginnerWinter)



January 6th & 13th Workbook 1 & 2 - Opening & Responding
January 20th & 27th Workbook 3 - Opener Rebids after an Unlimited Response
February 3rd & 10th Workbook 4 - Opener Rebids after a Limited Response
February 17th & 24th Workbook 5 - Responder Rebids
March 3rd & 10th Workbook 6 - Notrump
March 17th & 24th Workbook 7 - Weak Two Bids and Preempts

Labs will follow the Patty Tucker series of workbooks for beginners and each workbook will be a 2-week lab class.

Each class will cost 25$ and include the workbook for each topic.

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