After Westside Bridge Academy closed a group came together to explore forming a member-owned full-service bridge club. The founders believe that without a full-service club in west Houston, bridge will experience a decline due to the lack of face-to-face lessons, a variety of novice and novice/mentor games, team games, etc.
We discussed possible alternatives and ran economic models to see if it would be feasible to open a new club. It was clear from the early analysis that we would need fund raising and a base of support from the players. No one had any interest in owning a new club or profiting from it, so we formed a Texas non-profit organization to own all of the assets. Joe Quinn, Jack Lavigne, and Bill St. Clair were elected to serve as President, Vice President, and Treasurer. The other members of the group served as Advisory members.
The original group has changed over time and now consists of B Haznedar, David Henke, Lauri Laufman, Carol Jewett, Dan Morse, Gil Micheletti, Joyce Ryan, and Eddie Wold. We adopted bylaws which provide that players vote for board members and determine how the club is run. To make all donations tax deductible we have been approved with 501 (c)3 tax exempt status with the IRS.