The Academy's monthly Mentor/Mentee game is the first Tuesday at 10:30. If you would like to participate, there will be a sign up sheet near the registration desk or you can signup online by clicking here for information to email to Bert Onstott. Cost is $10.50 per Mentee. Mentors play free.
Mentees must have less than 300 master points. Anyone with a love for the game and williness to play is asked to sign up as a Mentor.
What is the Eight is Enough Swiss team game?
It’s a fun version of bridge where players with mixed level of experience play together as a team.
There are three levels:
Level 1 – 0 to 1000 masterpoints
Level 2 – 1000 to 3000 masterpoints
Level 3 – 3000+ masterpoints
The members of the team must add up to 8 or less. So for example a Level 3, two Level 2 and one Level 1 player would add up to 8 as would four Level 2 players.
Another example would be to have three Level 2 and one Level 1 player. That adds up to 7 and it is OK to be less than 8.
Our games will be held on one of the Sundays during the month at 1:30 pm.
Looking forward to seeing you at the game
Looking for a partner?
Looking for a partner? Tom and Linda Martinsen have generously volunteered to help. If you need a partner, please email
The Academy is so excited to announce that we have a 299er game on Wednesdays. Each Wednesday the Academy will host BOTH an Open game and a 299er game at 10:30 am. Tell one, tell all!. Let's fill the room!