Bridge Classes are a great place to find Partners!
Spread the word! Let your bridge friends know you need a Partner...for a specific game...then see where it goes from there.
Mentor Programs. While you are playing with your Mentor, let them know you need Partners and see if they know of other newer players who may also be looking.
Partnership Desk. Tournaments always have a Partnership Desk where they will assist in trying to match you with a Player at a game. Your best chance is to email the Partnership Chair BEFORE the Tournament and let them know what day/game you want to play.
Club websites. There may be functionality for Partnership connections...either automated or assisted.
Once you find them...keep them!
Always be kind to your Partner.
Save questions and concerns for AFTER the game. Criticism at the table is very damaging:
Partner is so agitated they are distracted on many subsequent deals.
Opponents exposed to criticism think badly of the critic and a bad reputation will be spread.
Opponents seeing self-control and courtesy in the face of mistakes will spread the news of a friendlly and patient will be in big demand as a Partner!
Avoid canceling games at the last minute.
If your Partner must cancel, be gracious.
PREPARE for the game. Review your Convention Card and other Partnership notes. Avoid frenzied, last-minute arrivals. Be early, register and socialize for a few minutes to relax before the game.
We will do our best to find you a Partner...but give us plenty of time. This could take multiple phone calls and emails.
And there's no time to start like NOW!
Send an email and provide:
In addition to the contact information, please let us know if your interest is for a specific game.
Please also provide your ACBL# and BBO Name (if you play online)