Beginning Bridge Classes in West Houston

Sarah is ACBL Best Practices certified and teaches Beginning Bridge students without charge as we help to spread the love of the game!


May vary based on course but the following are used. Students will need to purchase the materials Sarah uses.

  • Bridge for Everyone
  • Lessons by Patty Tucker
  • Regular game Hand Records


Course information: 

Classes are held on Mondays from 4:00PM - 6:00PM

Ashfield Gardens Clubhouse...Cinco Ranch off Spring Green

Sarah’s Bridge Bio

Sarah loves bridge and believes in the continuing development of the Bridge Community.  Sarah is now serving as President of the ACBL Unit 174 Board.  Like many of those who love the game, she believes in 'giving back to bridge' so she volunteers at the Unit level, the club level and the general population who are exploring becoming lifelong bridge players.

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Meet Sarah Springer!


Sarah Springer Contact Information

Phone: 281-904-5791



Sarah’s Teaching Philosophy

An informal teaching model which utilizes varying materials.  Sarah encourages her students to play in beginner level games and return to class with Hand Records on any hands they would like to discuss.

Recognizing that bridge is a complex game to learn, Sarah focuses on the enjoyment of the students and the class.  And is a believer in "jump in to the deep water" will learn!

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