One of our exciting and entertaining club cleanups is scheduled for Sunday, January 26 at 1:00 pm. There is a sign up sheet on the magnetic board. It's a chance to meet new friends, get the latest scoop on all things club related and show off your cleaning skills!
Starting on Monday, January 20, the week's Face-to-Face games are designated Club Championship games. This means there are extra masterpoints available at no extra charge.
Starting January 7th, there is a face-to-face game scheduled at the club every Tuesday evening starting at 6:30 p.m. Hope to see lots of you there.
Celebrate the New Year with your friends!
We'll make the teams of equal ability. Top players are a 3, mid-players are a 2 and beginners are a 1. Each team's players must total no more than 8 - so 0-99 players are coveted team members!
Players sign up as individuals - but if a pair of 99ers want to play together, we'll do our best to accommodate that.
$30 will get you a full day of bridge with friends, including lunch. There will also be some breakfast-y treats and new year's punch. And most importantly...
We are going to run another special Tuesday night 99er game on December 10th....with a twist. A member who brings a guest (new to GRBC) to play that night, the member and the guest will both play for free. All others will be subject to our regular fee schedule ($8 for members, $10 for non-members).
We have also decided that the Tuesday night 99er games will become a permanent fixture on our schedule starting on January 7th. So 99ers, talk this up with your friends, bring them out and see if they...
For you working 99ers ... we heard you! GRBC is planning a Tuesday evening game in the new year. In the meantime, we'd like your input into the details, so we are offering a trial 99er game at 6:30pm on Tuesday November 19. An 18 board game is planned and we'll see how late it runs and get other feedback from you to finetune the plans for the game in the new year. This trial game is FREE!
Celebrate the New Year with your friends!
We'll make the teams of equal ability. Top players are a 3, mid-players are a 2 and beginners are a 1. Each team's players must total no more than 8 - so 0-99 players are coveted team members!
Players sign up as individuals - but if a pair of 99ers want to play together, we'll do our best to accommodate that.
$30 will get you a full day of bridge with friends, including lunch. There will also be some breakfast-y treats and new year's punch. And most importantly...
Potluck lunches to celebrate Christmas! And it's club championship week - extra points at no extra cost!
The dates are ... Monday Dec 9 Open/299er and Friday Dec 13.
Sign-up sheets will be posted closer to the time for what types of dishes to bring.
Timing? Expect to start eating at 11:30 to give time to clean up and start the game at 1:00.
GRBC Fall Team League is back! Registration forms and more information are available on the Team League bulletin board at the club. You can also get more information atTeam League - Fall 2024.