Sold Out
Instructor: Stephen Carpenter
Date: Tuesdays January 7, 14, 21, 28 and February 4
Time: 9:00-11:30 a.m.
Location: GRBC Teaching Room
Cost: $75 for members/$85 non-members
N.B. We require 8 students for this course to run. Registration will be capped at 24.
This course presents all the basic concepts of good defensive play. It is intended for players of all levels who have not yet taken a defensive course.
The course focuses on five aspects of defence: opening leads; third seat play; signals; second seat play; and discards. Each lesson covers one aspect of defence for both no trump and suit contracts, and includes playing hands to enhance understanding. Specific topics include Rule of 11 on no trump leads; when to cover an honour; when to play high in second seat; when to play low in third seat; splitting honours; count, attitude, and suit preference signals; and defensive strategies (for example, active versus passive, cutting declarers' communications, and forcing defence).
Lesson hand-outs and hand records will be provided.
Although not required for the course, a companion textbook is recommended (Eddie Kantar Teaches Modern Bridge Defence, which may be purchased from Amazon).