
All individuals over the age of twelve years interested in bridge activities are welcome to apply for membership of the Club.

The club is primarily for junior players of all standards. The SBU year runs from September to September and, for 2018-19, juniors are defined as those under 25 on 1 January 2019. We aim to provide a safe environment to play and learn the game of bridge. We welcome all junior players, parents, guardians, teachers, and adult bridge players who help with the juniors.

There are three membership categories. These are used primarily to distribute relevant information safely and securely to everyone and to allow the club to report membership numbers to the Scottish Bridge Union (SBU), European Bridge League, and the World Bridge Federation.

FULL - this category is only for JUNIOR players who wish to pay their SBU membership through the SBU Juniors club. The cost for 2018-19 is £4.50 and you can send us a cheque or make a bank transfer on request. If you wish a parent or guardian to pay for you, ask them to contact us.

FULL (not home club) - this is for all juniors who pay their SBU subscription through another club. It is easier for us if you belong to another club (since we do not have to handle the financial aspects) and we encourage this, as you will typically get benefits from the club. We do not charge for this membership.

Adult - this is for all adults, including players, teachers, mentors, and helpers.  We do not charge for this membership.

FULL (non-SBU) - this is for full club members who do not belong to the SBU. This includes juniors who belong to another National Bridge Organisation, juniors who do not require or want SBU membership, parents, guardians and other non-bridge players who have an interest in junior bridge. We do not charge for this membership.

SBU membership is required for all juniors that represent Scotland, but it has benefits for all juniors including registering all your master points, free entry to the main SBU national competitions and 50% discount on all district and club competition entry fees, plus eligibility for Bronze and Silver competition prizes. The SBU funds the junior program and contributes to the costs of playing in international events like the Junior Camrose, European Pairs and Teams.

SBU membership is not required to play in the Junior National Pairs, the Schools Teams competition, or minibridge events.

The establishment of the SBU Juniors club means that the SBU will be relying on us to report correctly so that you all receive the correct benefits. Please help us by taking the correct membership.

We shall add the appropriate application forms in the near future.

House rules

We want you to enjoy your bridge and have fun. If it is not, tell us.

  • School, studies, and work come before bridge - we do not want to hear complaints from your parents (or teachers or employers)
  • Our teachers (like Maureen, Loraine, John, and Sarah) together with Anne, Andrew, and Paul will be very supportive if there is a problem in a partnership that you want to discuss. 
  • Play with as many people as possible, especially when you get the opportunity for live bridge.
  • Most junior partnerships fail because players improve at different rates. If you feel a new junior partner would be better, don't bottle it up, just tell us and we'll deal with it for you.
  • All the U26 juniors will be very helpful and friendly, just be careful about who you take bidding advice from. Do not go out drinking with them until you are at least 35.
  • Please keep in touch and update your email address in the club (Pianola) system when you change it.
  • On the bridge side, try and play as often as possible. If you are practising online on BBO, tell your mentor as they can watch and help. 

Bronze events are excellent for young players as you will not have to face experienced players. Open, and national events, will be tougher but if they are Swiss then they can be a good introduction to higher level bridge as you face people on the same score as you - it is the best of both worlds.

We can normally help you find teammates - other juniors are best, but conveners want people to play and they will often help out. Juniors get half price entry to all events and many are free.

Let us know if you are playing in an event - if we are not playing then we might come to watch and help you.

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Child Protection Policy and regulations

The SBU Child Protection policy has been overhauled by the SBU Education team. Much work has gone into drafting a new policy and associated forms - they can be found here.

SBU Child Protection and Anti-Bullying Policy (February 2017)

SBU Consent form (for those under 18)

SBU Junior Code of Conduct

EBL Commitment Form (July 2018)

EBL Parental Consent Form (For those under 18) (July 2018)

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