Anything you place in the left hand column will appear on every page of the site
WBF Convention Card (the formal official one, that you can consult during the event)
Bidding System (informal description of what we play, keep this with you during practice)
Bidding system - expanded (full version of our system, read this at your leisure)
12 Feb Young Chelsea (Everyone)
Bridge Booklet #1 - Introduction
Bridge Booklet #2 - Declarer Play
Bridge Booklet #3 - Defence
Bridge Booklet #4 - Bidding #1 (missing Stayman and transfers but otherwise good)
Bridge Booklet #5 - Declarer Play #2
Bridge Booklets (answers)
More advanced is this: The Competitive Auction
The New Zealand Bridge website has some very good notes that use the same bidding system as us. The beginner notes (opening, responding, overcalls etc.) can be found here.The improver notes are below. Try the quizzes!