Bit of a problem yesterday: Ronan and Liam, following Captain’s advice to get a little exercise, go for a swim in the fjord. Both come off worst in a match against the jellyfish. Only a temporary setback, they have recovered by morning. Or have they?
We start against Norway. On VuGraph, which has not been our happiest hunting ground. Down to earth with a bump. Plan A is to score at least 5 VP on every match to secure a top half finish. Not happening against in this match. Some rather sloppy stuff, then a big loss when Ronan/Liam bypass 3NT to reach 5D. Not an unreasonable contract single dummy but the 5-0 trump break brings a double and a 16 imp swing out. We hit back with a 14-imp gain when Liam makes all 13 tricks in 3NT with a heart stopper of Qx opposite a singleton; Athena and Glen bid the cold 4H, pushing them to 5DX which has only 3 top losers. The rest is all bad. We score just 2.39 and drop, stonily, to 11th place. Oh well.
Next up are Poland, an even tougher set of opponents. The first match was quite swingy, and I hope for a tranquil one now. We lose 65-34, 6 double figure swings and a 9 in just 15 boards. First blood to us when Jun brings home a thin 3NT, but the rest of the blood is ours. Both teams stay out of a slam that requires a trump suit of A9xx opposite Q87xx to play for one loser. The Poles bid a cold Grand in one room and create enough interference to make it hard for us in the other. Then we bid a fair slam that can be made on an unlikely squeeze – too unlikely, it seems. 2.97 VP this time, still dropping.
Now – Ireland! The weather breaks, the heavens open, are the bridge gods angry? We have prior knowledge of their Losing Trick Count System and rather unusual style. They have a team of 6, including the winners of their Trials, but will play 4-handed until they are completely out of contention because their captain considers that the Trials winners have not been working hard enough… Interesting! We have got into the habit of starting slowly, and duly trail 4-15 after 8 boards. But the second half is all Scotland, including a 12-imp swing when Athena, learning from experience, drops a singleton King to land her 3NT contract. 11.81VP is enough to keep us above average for the event (just) and one place ahead of England.
Tomorrow is a seriously tough day, starting with first-placed Netherlands; following with 3rd-placed France, and ending with second-placed Sweden, on VuGraph to boot. 3 of the pre-tournament favourites back to back. If we can survive this day we might achieve at least one of our goals (finishing in the top half; and ahead of England and Ireland).
And so to bed….
Liz McGowan (NPC)