1. Venues: Matches are usually played at Sheffield Bridge Club, 6 Thornsett Road Sheffield S7 1NA (0114 2550844) starting at 7:10pm. Matches may also be played at other venues where duplicate bridge is played, if the home captain so decides; or in private houses, if both captains agree.
2. Matches: Captains must confirm the match at least one week before the fixture, or agree another date within 4 weeks of the fixture date. DO NOT assume a match is on without confirmation, or leave rearrangement to the end of the season. The home captain should make all the arrangements once a date is agreed.
3. Results: The results for each match must be conveyed to Barrie Partridge as soon as possible after each match. Problems: Any problems or queries, whether relating to the arrangement of matches or otherwise, should be directed to Barrie Partridge or Richard Gilbert as quickly as possible.