Informational Links

English Bridge Union

National Bridge Organisation for England.



Yorkshire Contract Bridge Association.


All Things Bridge

The place for information from Dominic on learning bridge, either online, in classes or private lessons

You can watch (and subscribe to) his youtube channel here: @learnmodernbridge101


Bridge Winners

An active bridge site with some big-hitting contributors. Full of articles, bidding and play problems, and discussions on hot topics in the world of bridge.




Information and dates for events just over the border in Derbyshire.


Bridge Warehouse

The EBU's shop has been excitingly rebranded as "The Bridge Warehouse".


Just the place to go if you need 1000 scorecards, for instance. Or perhaps you could buy the one you love their own personal bidding box?

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Where to play online

Bridge Club Live 

"Fast, fun and friendly online bridge [with] an environment that is virtually free of quitters, rudeness and cheating because of our unique policing policy".

The only online bridge playing club affiliated to the EBU and able to issue master points, this site provides online bridge with plenty of option to play more UK-centric systems like ACOL.

You play with real people and it is UK based so plenty of Acol/weak No Trump (though all are welcome).

About 120 Sheffield BC members are now playing as members in Bridge Club Live.


Bridge Base Online 

The largest online bridge platform for real-time bridge. An American site so plenty of strong NT openings but you can register with an ACOL Club which meets on BBO.

The EBU run 12-board pairs events, four times every day. Entries fees are paid directly to BBO, through purchasing credit in advance.




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