Hand Evaluation Lessons with Deanna Stewart

Warren Buffet on bridge:  "It's good to learn from your mistakes.  It's better to learn from other people's mistakes."

As educational liaison,  Deanna Stewart wants to share her insights, and sometimes mistakes, into unique hands and bidding situations. 

She will post a new bidding scenario that aims to help intermediate players learn about hand evaluation, bidding nuances and consideration in play of the hand.  

Archives of previous lessons can be found in the Newsfeed.



Contract bridge - Wikipedia

Lesson 26: Hand evaluation from a defensive standpoint. Suit preference.

Do you ever look at your scores after playing a game of bridge? You are in four spades down one and everyone else is making the contract!. You look at the double dummy confounded. You are only supposed to make three spades. HOW did your opponents defend differently? Let’s examine a few hands over the next few lessons and the art of switching suits to optimize your trick taking ability as defenders.


Contract 5 diamonds: You are on lead!


You have xxx, xxx, xxx, AKxx. You come out with Ace of clubs, promising the King of clubs.

Dummy comes down:


Ax, xx, AK32, QJ1098. Partner plays the seven of clubs, Declarer follows with four of clubs. Do you lay down your King of clubs?  What is your partner saying with the seven of clubs? Is it their only club? Is it attitude?(  Telling you to play your King of clubs? ) NO!!! It is suit preference. Switch to the highest ranking suit. Spades. Your partner has K of spades at least. Unfortunately, my partner did not recognize the signal. My partner laid down the King of clubs and followed with another club. I could ruff, but I got over ruffed and now Declarer can pitch two losing spades on the two good club tricks left on the board. This allowed the Declarer to make the contract. Should be down one. 


When you see the layout of the dummy, 5 clubs to the QJ1098 and you have four clubs to the AK. Your partner and declarer have four clubs between the two of them. If they break evenly, then you just set up two pitches for declarer. What does the seven of clubs mean? SWITCH SUITS PARTNER. I have something in spades. This contract should be down one!

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Coming soon: Bidding Basics with Deanna Stewart and Sherry Kinkopf

We will review the basic opening bids, responses, overcalls, and doubles in standard american.


Please join us for a refresher if needed.

Dates to be announced soon

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