Latest News: Winners & Events

  • Archive of hand evaluation lessons 21-25

    Dealer: N Vulnerable: Both North♠ Kx ♥xxxxx ♦ KQJxx ♣ x West♠ xxx ♥ QJx ♦Axxxxx ♣ x East♠Jxx ♥AKx ♦ x ♣ KQ9842 South♠ AQ10xx ♥ xx ♦ x ♣ A10xxx I am South. The bidding goes pass, 1c,1s,3d X. East then bids 4 clubs. I doubled. West made a weak jump shift. That implies that they can not play anything but diamonds. Yes, you have six clubs in the east; but running only increases... read more...
    Saturday, 29 June 2024 by Deanna Stewart
  • June 10-14, 2024 High Scorers/NAP Qualifiers

    Robert Kirkpatrick Duplicate Bridge Club Monday Afternoon Game: We had 6 tables--thank you for coming to play with us today. 1st place overall went to Deanna Stewart and Tommie Wright with a 77.04% game. This is a BIG game and will be published in the ACBL Bulletin. Congratulations, ladies! 2nd place overall went to Jane Shurden and Ken McCaskillwith a 55.56% game. Well done! 3rd place overall went toLinda Valentine and Sue Hegwoodwith a 54.81% game. Well done! 4th place overall went toJanice... read more...
    Sunday, 23 June 2024 by Sherry Kinkopf
  • Archive of Educational events January and April 2024

    We are proud to welcome our latest group of bridge students. We started lessons January 22nd. We will go for six weeks. We have six new faces and one popping in for a refresher ( Sonya Woodard). Please welcome: Victoria Harris, Sharon Coats, Dixie Coats, Loryn Davis, Martha Davis, Rebecca Altymer. Pictured below with Deanna Stewart are: Victoria Harris, Martha Davis, Deanna, Dixie Coats and Sharon Coats. We have just completed a second series of supervised play for our new students. We included... read more...
    Monday, 17 June 2024 by Deanna Stewart
  • June 3-7, 2024: High Scorers

    District 10, 7 and Unit 219 Royal STaC {Multi-Colored}June 3 – June 9, 2024 ST2406503 Robert Kirkpatrick Duplicate Bridge Club Monday Afternoon Game: We had 5.5 tables--thank you for coming to play with us today. North/South 1st place N/S went to Tommie Wright and Bobo Shearer with a 63.57% game--great job! 2ndplace N/S went to John R. Jackson and Pat Millette with a 57.86% game--great job! 3rdplace N/S went to Linda Valentine and Sue Cunningham with a 52.86% game--great job! East/West 1st... read more...
    Tuesday, 04 June 2024 by Sherry Kinkopf
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