What to Expect at Unit 214 Games

Director and Club Policies

Robert Kirkpatrick Duplicate Bridge Club

Hattiesburg Duplicate Bridge Club

General guidelines regarding facility.

General guidelines regarding the game:

  • Each partnership should have at least one convention card filled out and available for the director and opponent’s if asked. ( Ideal is two identical per partnership.)  A reminder that if you play in different clubs or at tournaments you will be required to have two identical convention cards. Below is a link which guides you through properly filling out a convention card with references to all of the abbreviations that you see on the card. 

  • Open + Convention Card allowed

  • Disallowed bids:

    • 1. Purely Destructive Initial Actions 

    • 2. Psyching an Artificial Opening Bid or an Artificial Overcall 

    • 3. Psyching an Artificial Response below 2NT to an Opening or Overcall

    • Recurrent use of psych bids where one's partner now has an understanding of the meaning. 

      • We understand that many people are still learning. If the director is called, this is an opportunity for education and a warning will be issued.  However, if a pattern is noticed then the director should be notified and an adjusted score may be indicated. If there are three psych bids by one person in a game, an adjudicated score may be indicated.

      • This link also reviews the definitions of destructive bids and psych bids.

      • https://web2.acbl.org/documentLibrary/about/Convention-Charts.pdf

  • Zero tolerance 

  • https://cdn.acbl.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/ZT-Handout-for-Clubs.pdf

    • Laws 81, 90, 91 and 91A specifically state the director is in charge and is ultimately responsible for enforcing this policy and has the power to discipline an offending player as seen fit for offense committed. 

  • Kibitzers

    • A pair may kibitz another providing they have a sit out and have already played the boards in question

      • Please make sure everyone at the table is comfortable with observation


  • Bridge Mates

    • The director’s have decided that the traveling score will no longer be available after each board has been played. We hope this keeps the game moving. All scores will be available after the game and of course can be reviewed again at home on ACBL live. .

  • Seating

    • Pairs will sign up to play based on stratification. We will accommodate anyone with special needs. Please make the director aware of your needs. If a pair has no demonstrable needs, they may need to be moved at director’s discretion to level the playing field. 

    • We follow the ADA ( Americans with Disabilities Act 1990) and will accommodate anyone with needs. Please let director know what your needs are before the game

  • Timeliness:

    • Pairs should be signed up to play by 12:15  with one of the partners present. 

    • If someone is running late and starts the round late:

  • They will play as many boards as they can. If they are able to finish the round completely, no adjudication is needed. 

  • If unable to finish all the boards in the time remaining, then the pair who was present and on time will get an average plus on the board/s in question and the pair late to the game will get an average minus.

    • If there are extenuating circumstances, the director may assign an average to the late pair at their discretion. 

  • Slow Play

    • You have 7 ½ minutes per board. May be adjusted at the director’s discretion.

    •  If a table is behind, they will not be allowed to start a board if there is less than two minutes left in the round. The director will take up the board and assign an average plus to the non- offending pair and average to the late pair. If no one is determined to be at fault, the board will be scored as a no play. 

 If a pair is habitually behind,they may be scored an average minus at the director’s discretion. Therefore, no late play will be allowed. 

  • Score Correction

    • It is the North position who is responsible for putting the score into the  Bridge Mate. One person from the  East /West pair should verify the correct entry.

    • It is everyone’s responsibility to keep up with your scores individually.

    • If an error was made in an entry, both pairs should come to the director for a score change. This should be done before leaving the Sigler Center. The Computer technologist for the game will announce score sheets are ready to be checked before posting scores to ACBL live. Scores will not be changed after posting if the pairs in question did not stay around to check their results.

  • Cell phones 

    • Cell phones should be off during the game

    • If extenuating circumstances dictate the need to have a cell phone on during the game, notify the director before play starts. Answer the emergency call away from the table.


  • Noise

    • Please keep the noise level down if you finish early during a round.Consider moving your conversation to the kitchen.

    • The Director’s will be reminding you of this as well.


  • Player’s Responsibilities

    • Be signed up on time and in your correct stratification. 

    • At the beginning of each round, verify that you are playing the correct boards, against the correct pair in the correct orientation. 

    • Count your cards before looking at your hand

    • Play in a timely manner .The goal is 7 ½ minutes per board.

    • The north player should enter the correct contract and score and verification should be done by one of the opponents. 

    • The north/ south pair is responsible for moving the boards for the next round.

    • Keep up with your score on your individual score card.

    • Verify your score before leaving the Sigler center

    • Do not get boards from the boxes unless instructed to by the director

    • Be courteous to your partner and opponents. Do not critique, teach or offer an opinion without being asked. 

  • Everyone’s responsibilities

    • Clean up after yourself before you leave the table.

    • Return the bidding boxes, boards, bridge mates and placemats to the assembly table at the end of the game.

    • Throw away all trash


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