Meet the Club Directors

ACBL News • American Contract Bridge League

Pat Millette

Pat has played with the Hattiesburg Duplicate Bridge Club for over a decade.  In the spring of 2021, a veteran club member and director, the late Robert Kirkpatrick, asked Pat to take on the role of club director.  She has served in that capacity ever since. She also is in charge of sanctioning each type of game we play and coordinating STAC games, NAP games and GNT games. 

Cathy Gersh


Cathy has played duplicate bridge in Hattiesburg since 2005 when she started taking her first lessons.  Not only does she serve as a club director, she is also the club manager.  Cathy began directing in May of 2021 after the insistence of veteran director Robert Kirkpatrick, who passed away shortly after.  Cathy is one of the gems of our club; without her leadership, the club would be lost.


Deanna Stewart

Bridge became a passion for Deanna in her early childhood when her parents were learning to play and taught her and her siblings.  She played until her teen years, then came back to the game when her son, Griffin, joined a team at Georgia Tech.  She and her sister, Sherry saw a need to expand the club and have been teaching lessons . Becoming a director was then a goal in the hopes of starting some limited games in the future.  She started directing after passing her test in November of 2023.  

Sherry Kinkopf 


Unlike sister Deanna, Sherry's favorite part of bridge as a child was being the "dummy".  She waited until she was in her early 20s to try to learn the game, but with her career and children, she waited until her early 50s to get serious. She and her sister, Deanna wanted to grow the club and volunteered their time to teach lessons. Becoming a director seemed the neccessary next step in expanding the club.  She started directing after passing her test in November of 2023. 


Cathy Garner


 Cathy Garner also saw a need for more directors in 2021 when the veteran directors at the time were facing serious health problems. She stepped up to the plate to help out. 


Linda Valentine



Linda has the most experience of our team. She serves as an advisory director. Her insight is invaluable.

Director Resources 

Directors Meetings: May 6th and June 10th ,2024


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Technology Master

Cathy Garner

Cathy is the club's technology master.  She can troubleshoot technical issues with scoring, bridge mates, ACBL uploading, and much more.  


All of the club directors are able to perfom the duties of technical support. We work as a team at each game with someone taking on the computer support aspect of the game and someone running the game and making the rulings. This allows the game to run smoothly.


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