Archive of hand evaluation lessons 11-15

Wednesday, 17 January 2024 by Deanna Stewart

Dealer: West

Vulnerable: East/ West



♦ KJ9

♣ AJ10



♥ A108652

♦ 1043

♣ 94









♦ AQ85

♣ K106


Playing in a virtual game, this exciting hand came up. I am South. We had no problem getting to six spades , but it makes seven easily with a 2/2 trump break. ( Statistically you need 2/2 trump break or Qdoubleton clubs or guess queen of clubs finesse correctly to make seven. Which would be >50% likelihood). How could we have gotten there?( No one got to seven )

Bidding: pass, 1nt, pass, three spades, pass. This shows slam interest in spades. Promises six and a good hand. My partner has three to the Ace. Should get excited. Key card ask? Bids four no trump.  I have two key cards and a void. 5 no trump response shows an even number of key cards and a void somewhere in 1430. Now my partner can show me the A of Clubs with a 6C bid. I bid 6D showing the ace of D and my partner now knows my void is hearts. Go for seven!


Dealer: South

Vulnerable: Vulnerable none


♦ 10732

♣ AQ876



♥ Q1076

♦ J5

♣ 954








♥ AJ98

♦ AK875

♣ 10


Bridge is a partnership game. You have to trust one another. This hand came up in a virtual club the other day. I am North. 


Bidding: 1d, pass, 1s, pass, 2 hearts. Pass, Wow my partner reversed the hand. We have a nine card diamond fit. I have 12 HCP, plus heart void, plus extra trump. That is a 16 point hand. I jump to Six diamonds. We make seven. I had never played with this partner before. I had to trust they knew what they were doing with the reverse bid. Gladly , he did. 


Dealer: South

Vulnerable: Vulnerable NS



♦ A75




♥ A9

♦ J1094

♣ KJ94








♥ Q536

♦ KQ6

♣ AQ1072


Always consider the bidding when developing a plan of attack for playing a hand. This hand came up in a Virtual Club game. I am North. 

Bidding: 1c,1d,1s, pass, 1nt, pass, 3nt. 

Lead J D. My partner Wins the Ace of diamonds in dummy and then attacks our seven card club fit. Why is this the wrong play?When the dummy lies down, the declarer sees Aof D and has KIng and Queen. West bid. I have 15 points. Partner  has 13 points. Most of the rest are in the West. By attacking clubs, the partner is giving west  three tricks in clubs. . West leads back another diamond. Partner  then switches gear to the spades and wins the King. Leads another club and loses another trick. West knocks out the last diamond stop . Declarer still has to knock out Ace of hearts. Pitches the spades in my hand on clubs. And has to give west the third club trick. West then knocks out ace of spades and we are down two. 

What should declarer have done? Win first diamond in hand. Lose a spade. Second diamond stopper goes. Knock out ace of hearts. Third diamond stopper is gone, but now the hand is made easily with ten tricks. 


Count your winners and count your losers. If the total doesn't come to 13, count your cards.  (Sheinwold)

Dealer: S

Vulnerable NS


♥ 62

♦ 75

♣ J10986

Bidding: pass, pass, pass,1h,1s,2h,2s,3d,pass,4h


♥ 1094

♦ AJ43

♣ K43


♠ 9






♥ QJ5

♦ Q96

♣ 72


Playing in a virtual club game this hand came up. I am west. My partner has a nice 16 point hand and opens 1h. South gets in the bidding with 1s. I raise my partner’s hearts, north raises spades and my partner switches suits to three diamonds. For those of you who do not know this trick , it is a nice one to have in your armamentarium. Game suit help try. My partner needs most of my points to be in diamonds for game. So instead of inviting he ask me to put him in game if I have help with diamonds. Everyone is making four or five heats , but only one other pair got to the game. Try it out. 


Dealer: West

Vulnerable Both


♥ 63

♦ 987




♥ Q1098

♦ 532

♣ K962


♠ 9






♥ A2

♦ AKQJ104




This hand came up in the last session of a three day event at Nationals. We had had a bad morning and had gone to lunch to shake it off.  I am south.


Bidding: Pass, Pass, 1c, 1d, 1 h, 1 s, East then jumps to four hearts. What do I do to show my partner my amazing hand. I cue bid 5 hearts. West doubles. My partner, not liking his club losers, bids 5 spades. I decide if he can bid 1 spade , he has to have points somewhere. I know they are not in clubs , hearts , or diamonds . So I put him in six spades.


Jack of hearts lead. What do you do? My partner played the ace of hearts and then went in the tank. Played the ten of spades and went in the tank again. If stiff King is in opener’s hand, you are down one if you take the finesse. He decides to go up with Ace. 


Now what does he do? He actually needs what? A three one break in diamonds with three diamonds in the hand with the King of spades, What are the odds, So after he plays the top three diamonds, He is golden . He does not get ruffed!!!!. He can pitch his losing heart on the Jack of diamonds and the rest are his. 

Bobby Hammond once told a pair  “Gin” after he knew he had the hand made.Go and and claim on little brother.  “GIN”






The sum of all technical knowledge cannot make a master contract player