2024 Rank Advancements by Members


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"Masterpoints are the exclusive property of the ACBL as the measure of achievement in duplicate bridge competition. Masterpoints are awarded in six “color” categories, and are essential to rank advancement. The ACBL has 16 player ranks that require a specific number and color of masterpoints." https://www.acbl.org/masterpoints/

Let Sherry Kinkopf know (skinkopf@yahoo.com) when you go up in rank and you send in a story so we can link it here.  District 10 President, Larry Sealy, will send you an email and ask you to send in a picture and your story. 


Masterpoint Ranks

 Rookie; Junior Master; Club Master; Sectional Master; Regional Master
NABC Master; Advanced NABC Master; Life Master; Bronze Life Master
Silver Life Master; Ruby Life Master; Gold Life Master; Sapphire; Diamond Life Master
Emerald Life Master; Platinum Life Master; Grand Life Master*

January 2024

Lynn Stuart, NABC Master

Jane Shurden, Silver Life Master


March 2024

Sarah Finnicum, Club Master


Karen Furrini, Junior Master


Becky Wilson, Sectional Master


April & May 2024

Martin Booda, Regional Master


Denise Weeks, Regional Master

Skip Dews, NABC Master

Deanna Stewart, Silver Life Master



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