Beginner Bridge I: The Final Lesson

Tuesday, 29 August 2023 by Sherry Kinkopf

Students gathered today for the final lesson of Beginner Bridge I.  Today's focus allowed students to play a mock duplicate game with a director present and Bridgemates in play. Pat Millette joined us to direct the game and address calls that came up during play. Students were able to see their scores and compare how they did on a board to the other pairs in the room.  While we didn't play a full game, we were able to identify the top four pairs and see their smiles and high-fives when they learned their scores for the morning.  

We were so proud of the class and how they worked to concentrate on all of their new knowledge and skills during play.  We are also delighted that 11 of our first group will embark on Beginner II with us starting in September. 

As always, we couldn't have done the series without the help of our members.  Patsy Fagan came today to the delight of her newly formed student fan club; Beth Davis also returned to help students and filled in for one player who had an early morning appointment.