Beginner Bridge Lesson Four: Defense

Wednesday, 16 August 2023 by Sherry Kinkopf

One of the hardest skills to develop in duplicate bridge is defense, so students tackled it head-on this week.  Learning when to lead the top of nothing, the bottom of something, or a suit bid by a partner were the focus topics. Ed Liaison Deanna Stewart developed four boards specifically designed to allow defensive pairs to set the opponents if played correctly.  Students practiced applying concepts and successfully set opponents. 

Returning this week were Bill and Sarah Finnicum, Anne Sylvest, Carolyn Hood, Russlyn Castle, Joni Guthrie, Buster and Patricia Wolfe, Rebecca Royse, Sandy Witacre, Sonya Woodard, Pat Faler, and Mary Ellen Staiton.

So many of our members are volunteering their time to come and support our beginning bridge students!  Thank you to Jane Shurden, Sandra Baggett, and Skip Dews (along with Melissa Dews) for coming out Monday morning and sharing your expertise and experience.  

The next lesson will introduce 2-level opening bids (strong 2 clubs and weak 2's) as well as preemptive 3 and 4-level bids.  Next week, students will apply their new skills to new boards.

In the final week, we will do a mock game with bridge mates and a director; Pat Millette has graciously agreed to come and set up a game for us.